The right instrument or part can make the difference!
We search thoroughly before designing a solution. But if your needs are unique, we will augment what is commercially available or create a solution for you from scratch.
Using the best-in-class software design like Dassault Systems, Solidworks and documentation tools, we model and fabricate laboratory parts – even replacements for obsolete parts, in engineered plastic or stainless – fast!
Design visuals can be produced suitable for inclusion in compliance documentation or for publication.
Check out some of the hundreds of parts and systems we’ve created for our clients!
Part and Instrumentation Projects
Custom Rushton Impellers
Electropolished stainless parts like custom Rushton impellers can be designed and fabricated quickly and at a reasonable cost.
Six Pump Bioreactor Retrofit
A full integration with a popular bioreactor doubles the number of controlled pumps while saving valuable lab bench space.
Aseptic Manual Filling Station
A manufacturer of biosolutions needed a fast, dripless, splashless, touchless, aseptic filling station used for small batches with peristaltic pumps.
Vibratactile Stimulator
Vibratactile stimuli required for behavioral and neurophysiological experimentation must be accurate and reproducible. The BME Systems Vibratactile stimulator is the best ever built.